keyboardEvent function
mouseEvent function
A 24 bit, RGB, color
Used to place widgets in an order (i.e vertical or horizontal)
A terminal (as the name says).
Theme class
Base class for all widgets, including layouts and QTerminal
Center-aligns text, returns that in an char[] with width as length. The empty part filled with ' '
Converts RGBColor to hex color code
Converts hex color code to RGBColor
used to calculate height/width using sizeRation
The whole terminal is divided into cells, total number of cells = length * height of terminal
Key press event, keyboardEvent function is called with this
Mouse Click, or Ms Wheel scroll event
Used to store position for widgets
To store size for widgets
This module contains most of the functions you'll need. All the 'base' classes, like QWidget are defined in this. There are some classes, like List, that are defined in other modules.