the text to display
text and background colors
milliseconds after it scrolls 1 pixel, in case text too long to fit in 1 line
text and background colors
size of this widget
whether this widget should be drawn or not
specifies that how much height (in horizontal layout) or width (in vertical) is given to this widget. The ratio of all widgets is added up and height/width for each widget is then calculated using this
specifies whether this widget should receive the Tab key press, default is false, and should only be changed to true if only required, for example, in text editors
whether the widget wants input
used to write to terminal
For cycling between widgets. Returns false, always.
activate the passed widget if this is actually the correct widget, return if it was activated or not
changes the key used for cycling active widgets
custom onInit event, if not null, it should be called before doing anything else in init();
custom mouse event, if not null, it should be called before doing anything else in mouseEvent.
custom keyboard event, if not null, it should be called before doing anything else in keyboardEvent.
custom resize event, if not null, it should be called before doing anything else in the resizeEvent
custom onActivate event, if not null, it should be called before doing anything else in activateEvent
custom onTimer event, if not null, it should be called before doing anything else in timerEvent
Called by parent to update this widget
Called after _display has been set and this widget is ready to be used
Called when mouse is clicked with cursor on this widget.
Called when key is pressed and this widget is active.
Called when widget size is changed, or widget should recalculate it's child widgets' sizes;
called right after this widget is activated, or de-activated, i.e: is made _activeWidget, or un-made _activeWidget
called often. msecs is the msecs since last timerEvent, not accurate
Called by itself when it needs to request an update
Called to request this widget to resize at next update
Called by itself (not necessarily) to register itself as a key handler
use to change the custom initialize event
use to change the custom mouse event
use to change the custom keyboard event
use to change the custom resize event
use to change the custom activate event
use to change the custom timer event
size of width (height/width, depending of Layout.Type it is in) of this widget, in ratio to other widgets in that layout
visibility of the widget. getter
visibility of the widget. setter
size of the widget. getter **NOTE: call this.requestResize() if you change the size!**
size of the widget. setter
Displays some text
And it can't handle new-line characters
If the text doesn't fit in width, it will move left-right